Friday, January 30, 2009

"Castle/Cartoon Time"

This is one of the boys favorite things to do every morning. They take off all of my counch chusions and make a "castle". Then they sit there for the longest time watching cartoons. This morning they even got Peyton involved. I can't remember where Tyler was, probably in his room vacuming. He loves to do that! This is seriously my favorite milestone that babies go through. Being able to hold their own bottle. I love it!! It makes things so much easier!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Disneyland here we come!!!

I just wanted to share our good news with everyone. This morning as I was looking out our window at the snow coming down I was thinking to myself. . . I am so sick of the snow we should go somewhere warm. Well, Disneyland popped into my head. So I told Rob about my idea. He loved it. We already filed our tax return and since we bought a house last year are getting a big chunk back. After paying bills of course, we have some extra money. So why not blow it on a vacation?? We love vacations so it wasn't that hard to convince Rob of the same plan. Well, now we're going in about 3 weeks. I'm so excited because normally when we plan a vacation its months and months in advance and you have to wait forever until it comes. Not this time!! We're not going to tell the boys and surprise them when we get there. I hope we can do it and not accidentally slip and say something!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Updated Pictures!

As you can see from the new pictures I put on the side of my blog, I got back the first set of pictures from Target. I took the boys last Friday to the Riverdale Target to get the updates for the house. They all did such a good job. I was a little nervous about going there because first, Rob was at work so I was by myself. And it was Riverdale where I haven't gone to very often. I had an appt on Saturday with Heather at the Layton target but I wanted to do two sessions just in case I didn't get a good one on Friday I could try again on Saturday. Well, they all turned out really good except one outfit for Peyton (he didn't want to smile) but I got a good one the next day. I get the Layton target pictures on Monday so I'll add those ones when I get them! I hope you enjoy the pictures, I know I do!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Our New House!!!

Okay here are a couple of pictures of the new place. When we first moved in there was wallpaper everywhere. We bought it from two old men that their Aunt and Uncle had built the house and they were the only ones that every lived in it. Well, when they died they left it to these guys to sell. They were so cute. Just two old guys that liked to work on stuff. They would always be asking me questions like what kindof carpet I wanted, or they wanted to buy us a new shower head because the old one leaked a little bit. So they wanted to get my opinion on what I liked. They also loved the boys. Whenever we would go over to see what new things they were fixed Colby would bring his tools and follow the guys around pretending he was working too. Well, anyways with the wallpaper. They build the house in the 60s I think so you can imagine how hard it was to get the wallpaper off. In the front room all they did was primer the walls so that was horrible to get off. Or so we thought. . . the bathroom they didn't even paint at all. They put the wallpaper on the sheetrock. It was impossible to get off so we just ended up texturing the walls so you couldn't tell that we didn't get all the wallpaper off. We painted the front room with a marbley technique. The kitchen we textured as well. My mom was great! She always came over to help me and give me ideas on what I could do. Also it was great to have someone else there to motivate us when we got tired.The Kitchen!! I love how big it so. My other kitchen was kindof cramped. Behind this picture is the cabinets and fridge. I probably should have taken a picture of those too. They are in awesome shape, I was so excited!!
Here is the front room. I love how big and open it is. Plus there is no tv so its just a nice relaxing room with a huge front window. I love that window. Except the people that live across the street like to leave ALL their toys outside ALL the time. It drives me crazy. I just wish I had a better view to look out.
Peytons Room: We didn't really do anything different in Peytons room, just new paint. But its a wonder how much difference a new coat of paint makes.
You can't really see all the pink in here. Its not too bad anymore. But the sink, the counter top, the blinds and the tub are all pink. What is with old ladies and colored bathrooms? My friend that lives in this neighborhood too, their bathroom is turquoise? Doesn't the tile look great??

Family Room: This is an extension that they put on the back of the house. Its really nice because we can have our tv in this room and not in the front room. Plus they added on a laundry room too. I love not having to go downstairs every time to do my laundry. The picture below is that room. There is also enough room in the laundry room that we can put our computer and a huge shelf that holds most of our food.

My husband is great!!

I just wanted to do a quick post and comment on how AWESOME my husband is!!! He had the last three days off of work and he worked so hard on the house when most husbands would want to relax and do nothing. No not him, I'll list everything he did for me the last three days

- Put in all new light switches in the house. They had really old ones that were off white, so we went and got flat panel switches and he installed them for me. Along with a couple of new white outlets too. I think he shocked himself like 3 different times.
- Ripped up the carpet in our hallway. There is hardwood floors in most of the house. The people before us had already ripped it up in the front room. But he finished the hallway. Then he had to put those carpet stripes to protect he carpet in the bedrooms.
- There was also carpet in the bathroom. That was something that always drove me crazy. I'm sure you can imagine the smell with 3 boys that don't always have the greatest aim when they go potty. Well, he ripped up that carpet then laid down tile that my parents gave us. (thanks again mom) He did the whole project by himself. I was so proud. I guess I should mention something else I made him do with this project, most of our bathroom is pink. Let me tell you, the boys loved it :( well anyways, I made him switch the toilets from downstairs. So at least the toilet isn't pink anymore. That was a bigger ordeal then I had expected. I kindof felt bad after I made him do it cause it took like 2 hours to figure everything out. But now it looks awesome!! The tub and sink are still pink but it doesn't look as bad. Eventually we'll have to replace those too.
- Then last night he gave the boys a haircut. I know it doesn't seem like a very big deal with all the other projects he had going on but their hair was way overdo for a haircut and it was getting all crazy. So I'm really glad he squeezed that chore in too.

So I just wanted to let all of you know how great my husband is and how much I love him for everything he does for me. He defiantly spoils me!! I still haven't taken any pictures of our new house. I took the boys to get their pictures taken at Target the other day to update the old ones. So as soon as I get those and put them where they need to go I'll post some pictures!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Peytons 1st food!!!

Peyton had his 1st experience with food the other day. I started out with carrots, and he loved them!!! He almost ate the whole jar and probably would have if his brothers weren't so excited for him. They kept talking to him asking him if he liked it and it would distract him. Now they always make sure that I feed Peyton too whenever we're eating. Its adorable!!!

Random shot: Whats wrong with this picture???
Well, most of you don't know that this is our dog, and HIS name is Porter. That's right its a boy dog. I took him to the groomers today and they put bows in his hair. The boys were so appalled they wanted me to stop the car and take them out immediately, but I had to get a picture first cause it was really funny!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I've gotten a few comments on how I get such great pictures of my boys all the time. The truth is. . . I don't!! I've just gotten lucky a couple of times I guess. And I don't normally buy them if they aren't super cute so then they don't get posted on the blog. And it depends on the photographer too. My favorite photographer is Heather at the Layton Target. Last time I got a new girl and she wasn't very good at all. I didn't even end up buying any of Tyler or Colby. So I have to go again, but this time I am going to request Heather!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Too Cute!!!

I thought this was the most adorable thing I had ever seen. Tyler was so determined to have Porter on his lap, they both eventually fell asleep this way!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sunset here we come!!!

We're finally moved in and all unpacked!! I guess I never really said anything about moving on my blog before so I got a lot of people asking questions, so now since I've finally got Internet I can start blogging again!! Yeah!!! We just bought a house in Sunset and its great! The house is older but totally works for our family's situation. And its in the same neighborhood as our best friends the Haaralas! Now we're just working on removing wallpaper. . . old people love wallpaper. And painting and decorating which is always the funnest. The boys were pretty excited to move, they like change just as much as I do. They started packing up their stuff the day we mentioned we were looking for a new house. They were all really big helpers during the move, even Tyler. Most of the stuff was too heavy for him to lift into the moving truck so he would just randomly pick up light stuff and take it outside. His most popular item was empty boxes?? But he thought he was the biggest help around so he was excited. My most favorite thing about the new house is the upstairs laundry room and the basement where the boys can just put all their toys and leave them down there. We also put a little TV down there so they can watch movies. The first couple days here Tyler insisted on taking his naps down there on the futon. I'll post some pictures as soon as we decorate and paint the walls but here's some of the boys moving.

Colby insisted on having "moving gloves, moving hat and moving boots"

Here is some of Tylers "big helper" pictures!
The boys were so excited that they got to sleep on the floor the night before the move. We had to take apart their bunkbed so we could load it into the truck, it took them a while to calm down and finally fall asleep. . . Lindsee recognize the pink blanket?? Yep its the same one that grandma made us when we were like 8? Bryan stole it from me and now sleeps with it every night cause its so comfy.

In the middle of emptying boxes and orgazing stuff, we lost Bryan?? This is where found him, asleep underneath his bunkbeds??