Monday, June 30, 2008

Baby Peyton Update!

We had another ultrasound today and he already weights 5 lbs 7 oz!! He was being kindof shy though so we didn't get a picture. My doctor says that everything looks great!!


  1. Congrats. You have such a beautiful family! (This is Tiffany (Schryver) from high school, by the way)

  2. So fun its getting so close! I am with you I hate that fire smell! My parents have a fire pit in their backyard and it is so fun to go out there...but I want everyone to take a shower and wash the clothes when we are done!

  3. Hi...I feel as though I haven't seen you in a really long time...I don't know why. I can't believe how close Peyton is to coming! How are you feeling?

  4. Yay! You're getting so close! Where did you get your cute template/background?
