Friday, August 1, 2008

Reading is GREAT!!

This was one of those moments when you're not in the room and all of a sudden your boys are really quite. So you think "for sure they are getting into trouble, they are never quite" Well, this is what I walked into, all of them reading a book. I thought it was so cute I had to take pictures.

Bryan was embarassed so he didn't want to look at the camera.


  1. I think you have the cutest boys ever! That is so good you must be a good mom to have them reading without you even asking! I have watched wipeout once, and thought it was way funny we have just been so busy...but I need to watch it again! Also of course let me in on the fun when you go private!

  2. Oh I bet that just made your heart happy to see, what little sweethearts. I really just can't get over how cute your boys are. I think I have said this before but seeing your cute family of four boys really makes me want all boys. CUTE!

  3. That's so great! Hey, thanks again for watching Kate!

  4. Oh that is so sweet!! How cute that all 3 of them were doing that. I walked in on Carson and my nephew the other day, cause they were being a little to quiet. And guess what I found...permanant marker all over my garbage can. Luckily it was a cheapy and only cost like $5.00. But still..

  5. that is so precious. how sweet. they are the freaking cutest little boys ever.

  6. I love little kids books. I could buy books for my little ones all day long. That is great that they love to read and that they will QUIETLY entertain themselves too!! BONUS FOR YOU!! Thanks for the invite and it is great to be able to reconnect with you.
