Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Bed Giggles!

I caught him while he was still sleeping!

Him looking at me like I'm crazy for waking him

up to take pictures !!

Then he was all giggles cause he realized he was still
in his new bed!

Heres just one of the boys news bunkbeds or they
like to call it their castle!


  1. It looks like he's adjusting well to a bed! What a fun room with all those boys and all those beds. Does it take them long to go to sleep? Such cute boys.

  2. What cute little roomies....I bet they have so much together.

  3. How fun for little boys to share rooms. I love how you decorated it!

  4. What a fun room! I bet those boys have so much fun together! I love a new bed too!
