Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 1 of Daddy gone

Today starts the dreaded couple of days without daddy. He's at scout camp and won't be back until Saturday. So I've tried to come up with some fun stuff so we don't miss him too much. Today we went to the Dino Park in Ogden with our good friends the Haaralas. All the kids had a blast!!

This is his dinosaur pose!

He kept coming up with different places he wanted me to take his picture.

Here's one of all the kids acting like they got eaten by the dinosaur, too cute!!

Peyton and Macie, we're hoping to be able to add this to their wedding video when they get married!
 My chunky monkey!!
After the Dino park I took them over to the Riverdale Splash Pad, but they were so tired from playing earlier that we didn't stay very long :)

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