We sat down with the boys today and had them draw up a list of things that they wanted to do this summer. Here's our list, I hope we can get everything done!
1- Go on lots of bikerides
2- Have a squirtgun and waterballon fight
3- Go to a baseball game
4- Swim at Nana and Papas
5- Play Frisbee with mommy and daddy
6- Play baseball with friends
7- Go camping and swimming at Cherry Hill
8- Go Fishing
9- BBQ with friends
10- Swim at Grandma and Grandpas
11- Bubbles at the park
12- Go swimming at Pineview Lake
13- Roast Marshmellows
14- Pick our own fruit at a farm
15- Go to Lagoon
16- Visit the Dinosaur Park
17- Play in the water fountain at Gateway
18- Go to the zoo
19- Fly a kite
20- Watch a Parade
21- See some fireworks