Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Potty Trained??

So Tyler has come to the lovely stage in his life that he wants to run around with no diaper on. :( I'm being sarcastic because that means that he has accidents all over the house. So Bryan had this wonderful idea of trying to potty train him. He isn't even two yet so I'm a little sceptic of it happening but Bryan is really wanting to help him out. So maybe it will go good. Bryan went and got his old potty and takes it everywhere that Tyler is. Its really cute! So I decided to help him out a little bit and let Tyler pick out some underware that he wants to wear. He choose Bob the Builder. So wish me luck and I'll post updates soon.


  1. YeP that preschool is really awesome! My little boy absolutely loved it! Ashton had Ms. Maloney and she was AWESOME. I was so sad when we moved down to West Haven because I couldn't take him there for the 4 year old program. Are you going down to the scrapbook expo this weekend?

  2. I am going to feel really bad about myself if you can get an under two year old potty trained and I am still struggling with a three year old. Serioulsy though I do wish you luck and that is so cute Bryan is helping you out, what a sweet brother.

  3. I am going down on Saturday. I work on friday. I wanted to go down on Friday for the midnight crop. I signed up for one of the classes on Saturday and I am really super excited!! Have fun and let me know if there is any good deals!

  4. Good luck to ya...I just did my post on Carson being successfully trained. However he just turned three...so its about time in his case.

  5. When Bryan is done, will you send him around the corner to help my boys? Yes they are 3, and NO they are not "trained". Pathetic? YES!
